linksys velop admin login

Linksys router login

Access the Linksys login wizard and start setting up your home network now

In order to set up your Linksys router, it is important that you access the Linksys router’s web-based settings management wizard. This wizard can be accessed once you have logged in using the Linksys router login wizard. Now, to access the same, you can either follow the information on your Linksys router manual or follow the information posted on this page.

Linksys router login wizard is available for access on the smartphone app as well as the web-based setup wizard. Therefore, you can reach the same both ways. If you are looking for information on how to access the same, this page will walk you through the entire steps.

Good-to-know info

Before you begin with the login process, you’ll need to make sure you are connected to the Linksys router network. Since the login page is based on a local server, it becomes important to connect to the router network. You can connect your router to the computer using an ethernet cable to establish a wired connection, or connect to the network wirelessly using a WiFi connection. To connect using WiFi, simply enable the WiFi of your computer/smartphone and connect to the router network SSID. If you are looking to connect using wired cables, simply connect an ethernet cable from the LAN port of your router to the ethernet port on your computer.

Linksys Velop Setup
Linksys Velop Login
Second, it is important that you use the correct web address or the IP address to access the Linksys router login wizard. The correct web address is https://www.myrouter.local and the IP address that you can use is Furthermore, make sure you type these addresses in the address bar of your web browser and not in the search bar.
Additionally, you will also need to keep details like the username and password for the admin window handy.
Last, but not the least, make sure you have a continuous power supply and some spare ethernet cables available with you, just in case.

Linksys router login-beginning with the process

The steps to access the login page are easy. Make sure you follow them in the order as they appear here:

  • Connect your router to the MODEM using an ethernet cable. Now, attach the power cable to the devices and switch on the power supply. Allow some time for the devices to power on. Notice the status LEDs on the router and wait till they turn solid. If the devices do not boot up, check for any power on/off buttons and press them to power on the same.
  • Launch a web browser on your computer/smartphone and in the address bar, type https://www.myrouter.local and press Enter. You will now be redirected to the Linksys router login wizard.
  • You will now see the username and password fields on the screen. Type in the details in their respective screens and then click on the Login button.

You are now logged in to your Linksys web-based settings management wizard and can proceed with the setup process further.

Note: If you are having trouble accessing the login page, check if you are connected to the wireless network or not. Also, check the ethernet cable connections which you have made with the devices. If you still face issues, restart the router and try again.

Resolving issues with the Linksys router login

Issues with your Linksys router device can stop you from accessing the login page. Furthermore, if you are making errors during the router login process, you will need to identify the same and then find out the ways to remove them so you can begin setting up your network easily. This section will walk you through some of the most common issues that users face and what you can do about them.


Network Disconnections

If you find that you are unable to access the login page even when the router is powered on and working fine, the issue may be due to improper network connection. Check if the network cable that you are using is connected securely to the device ports including your computer. If you suspect that the cable has a defect, you can replace it with a spare one. If you see signs of damage like tearing, bending or cracking, it’s an indication that you should now get a new one.

Page not found error

The internet responds to your queries based on the keywords you type and the information stored on its world wide web servers. If you are typing something that doesn’t exist there, you are shown the ‘page not found’ error. If you are getting the same error while trying to access the router login page, consider double-checking the web address/IP address that you are using. The correct web address you can use to access the login page is https://www.myrouter.local or If you wish to use the default IP address, use to access the login page.

Tip: You can find out the IP address for your network using the command prompt application. To use it, press the Windows and R key together and the Run application will launch itself.

  • In the text field, type cmd and press Enter again.
  • You will now see the command prompt application launch on your computer screen.
  • Here, type ‘ipconfig’ and press the Enter key again.
  • You will now see complete information about the network including the IP address.

Now, use these details to access the Linksys router login wizard online.

IP settings issues

In order for your router to connect to the internet, it needs to communicate the IP settings. And, if it cannot do so, you won’t be able to proceed with the setup process. You can fix this issue by enabling the dynamic IP settings though, however, if it’s pre-set to static IP, you will need the PPPoE username and password details. These details are provided by the ISPs(Internet Service Providers) to customers when they subscribe to a connection. If the Linksys setup wizard asks you for these details, you can type in the same in the respective fields and proceed with the network setup process.

Linksys Velop
Linksys Router Login

One-stop Solution for all issues- Factory RESET!

If following any of the troubleshooting steps discussed in the page above doesn’t help you resolve issues with your Linksys router, you can always factory RESET the device settings. Here are some steps you can follow:

  • Locate the RESET button on the bottom panel or the rear panel of your router.
  • You can now use a thin object like a pin or a paperclip to press and hold the button for about 5-6 seconds. You will notice the power LED and the other status LEDs flash altogether.
  • Release the reset button and allow the router to reboot itself. Once it is back up and running, follow the setup and login steps to reconfigure the same.

Need more help with Linksys router login process? Reach out to the team now!